Our program allows you to choose from three different tracks that customize your degree, offering course work tailored to those entering the accounting or pharmacy fields and a more general man年龄ment track that is relevant to career professionals in any field.
各自领域的专家, the faculty members you’ll be learning from bring their in-depth experience in accounting, 业务, 创业, 金融, 以及领导力.
认识一下教职员工 他是十大网赌正规网址MBA课程的教授.
适合职场人士和刚毕业的大学生, 十大网赌正规网址的MBA课程为期12个月, allowing you to start realizing the benefits of your degree quickly and with minimal interruption to your career trajectory. 对于还在MU读本科的计划攻读MBA的学生, it’s possible to add the man年龄ment or accounting tracks and graduate in four years with both bachelor’s and master’s degrees. The pharmacy track also is structured as a dual degree so that pharmacy students at Manchester can complete their studies with both Pharm.D. 同时获得MBA学位.